Sir John Evans Centenary Project - image background is marbled paper from one of John Evans's books John Evans Numismatic Society Medal 1899

Sir John Evans's Collections

Rein or Terret ring (AN1927.4615)
Cast bronze rein-ring (terret) inlaid with red and blue glass from Suffolk (AN1927.4615)

Evans collected a wide range of material including:

Sir John collected some material himself, some he purchased from dealers, others he acquired at auctions. However, the bulk of his collection seems to have been obtained, by gift or exchange, from the antiquaries, archaeologists and geologists worldwide with whom he corresponded. Very little of his collection has been systematically published or analysed, as yet. The scope of his collection appears from various documents including a private exhibition he held at his home in 1889 and Royal Numismatic Society receptions.

Discover more about:

Flyer for private exhibition (JE-E-4-1 733)
Flyer from a private exhibition
in John Evans's Home
(Click for larger image)
Numismatic Society Reception booklet
Royal Numismatic Society -
Evans’s 50th Year of Membership
Reception 1899
(Click to view whole document)
Royal Numismatic Society booklet
Royal Numismatic Society -
The Granting of the Royal Charter 1904
(Click to view whole document)